Friday, November 22, 2013

Featured: Bedouin Chic Beaded Bags

We were in Egypt in the Spring and one of the highlights of our trip there was St Catherine, Sinai. St Catherine Monastery is the oldest continuously functioning Monastery in the world and Coptic monks keep the second most important collection of art icons in the museum there.  We stayed in a Bedouin camp and I met a lady who had a concession for the ladies of the Gibeleia Bedouin tribe who do really cool beaded bags and purses. I bought some for Joovay while there and they sold out immediately. One customer wore hers to the Opera at Lincoln Center and was asked by many admirers about her bag. I now have a new supply brought back from Sinai by Julie of Venus Adventures, a Swiss travel agency who puts adventure trips together just for women. Now there’s an idea!!! I did not see these beaded bags anywhere else in Egypt. They are special!!!

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